Ready for an Adventure?  Pack Up and Go!

Are you an adventurer, but you just need a little prod to get going?    Do you love surprises?   This may be the perfect match for you if you said yes.

Pack Up + Go is a travel agency that’s the brainchild of Lillian Rafson, who started the company at the age of 23.   Here’s how it works:  You fill out a questionnaire about yourself, where you have traveled recently, whether you want to go somewhere by vehicle or plane, and what your budget is.   Travel agents do some research and come up with the perfect place to send you.   They arrange the flight and hotel accommodations, plus they throw in a side adventure for you.   They also make a list of activities you could do while there.

Here’s the caveat:   They don’t tell you where you’re going until the last minute!    You can hear details here:

Where will you end up?   Chances are they’ll send you somewhere exciting…

Photo by Veronica Carter
Photo by Veronica Carter


Hopefully, it won’t be here:   🙂

Photo by Veronica Carter

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