Narcan Coming To The Oregon City School District

OREGON CITY, Ore– In November of 2021 more than 200 thousand counterfeit Oxycodone pills laced with Fentanyl were seized in Oregon. The Oregon City School District with its 74 hundred students, is trying to be proactive by putting a program in place where every school campus has Narcan available.

Parents, teachers and staff want students to be safe.  All too often kids are buying pills on social media like Snap Chat. knowing that seconds matter, having the canisters of Narcan on school premises could keep a young person from death. Part of the program will include training for staff members to recognize the symptoms of potential drug overdose and what to do.  The district is partnering with Oregon City Together.  The hope is to have the Narcan program in place this Spring.  The West Linn School District is also looking at doing the same kind of thing.

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