Children In Oregon Will Receive More Federal Money To Eat Better

PORTLAND, Ore– Most children in Oregon will receive even MORE money to help keep family food cupboards filled. The Feds have approved another 167 million dollars to make sure children eat. That translates to about 389 dollars over the 11 hundred dollars in maximum child payments. Oregon families with children in Public schools will get even more help with food costs. students can eat breakfast and lunch at school at no charge.

The payments to children make up for missed meals from last year will come directly to their homes.  Special debit cards are mailed with the child’s name on them .  The money on those cards can be spent on a wide variety of food and drink items.  The same kinds of things families on food stamps can purchase.  The first round of payments began in July.  In September students will get an additional 129 dollars and 260 dollars in October.

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