SALEM, Ore. Update – We now know the name of the Oregon driver who died after getting into a fight with Albany police and was tased by officers. 45-year-old James Plymell III was stranded on the side of the road Wednesday morning and an officer pulled over to help. It’s unclear exactly what happened next, but it got physical. Backup arrived and they tried to arrest Plymell. They used a taser that’s when he went limp and became unconscious. Officers gave him CPR and used a defibrillator to try and save him, but he died at the scene. Anyone who was with Plymell recently who may be able to shine more light on him, should call Oregon State Police.

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(AP) – Police in Albany, Oregon, used a Taser during an altercation with a stranded motorist who they say became combative and that the man died.

The Albany Police Department said in a statement the unidentified man became unconscious after he was tased Wednesday, and officers used CPR and an automated external defibrillator to try to restart his heart, but he died at the scene.

Devin Russell, who works at the Battery X-Change car battery store next to the scene, said the man was apparently in his car when he was tased with four officers present.

Russell said he thought police used more force than was necessary.

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