New York, NY – A number of newly identified cyber attacks on U.S. citizens have been identified and compiled in a new report out Tuesday from ProofPoint Dot Com.  The article describes in detail how bad actors are using COVID-19 and all the fears and frustrations associated with the pandemic to prey on people.

KXL Tech Expert Chris Moschovitis, Author of “Privacy, Regulations and Cybersecurity” and Chairman and CEO of the New York based Information Technology Management Group speaks with KXL’s Brett Reckamp about some of the most common methods of attacks.

Chris says the attacks range from public to private companies and often target private citizens.  He says they use malware, phishing emails, phone calls and even actual mailed letters to try and get access to information.  He says sometimes the goal of the bad actors is simply to sew disinformation about the virus and vaccines and pit Americans against each other.

You can listen to Chris speak to Brett below:

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