Camp Creek Fire Grows To More Than 1,600 Acres

Portland, Ore. — Flights over the fire Sunday night showed the fire grew to 1,607 acres. The Great Basin Incident Management Team 1 assumed control of the Camp Creek Fire on Sunday morning, August 27. Firefighting efforts are currently focused on achieving full suppression of the fire. Water is being dropped from helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to limit the fire’s growth. Ground crews are working to construct indirect containment lines along Forest Roads 12 and 14. Ground crews are contending with multiple safety hazards, including the danger posed by falling fire-weakened trees and navigating through narrow winding roads.

Warm and dry weather conditions led to moderately active fire behavior, resulting in the fire’s growth mainly towards the south and west. The Bull Run Watershed, characterized by its dense temperate rainforest, contains a significant amount of downed and dead trees along with deep forest duff. This abundant fuel source has contributed to the fire generating a substantial smoke column relative to its size. The expectation is for continued warm and very dry weather conditions on Sunday and in the near future, leading to ongoing active fire behavior. This situation will likely result in increased smoke impact and significant fire growth.

Currently, there are no fire-related closures or evacuations in effect. However, residents in the area are advised to be prepared for the possibility of both closures and evacuations. Clackamas County residents can sign up to receive critical emergency notifications via email, phone calls, and text messages through the following link: