Angel Dads to the Rescue

There is a group of people in Tualatin who don’t want children to feel the pain of not having a father around.   They volunteer as “Angel Dads“, being there for children in a variety of ways–from participating in sports with them to helping them with homework, or teaching them to swim or ride a bike.  Mostly they serve as role models for kids who don’t have a father figure in their lives.  The idea is to ensure a healthy self-image, boost self-esteem, and feelings of self-worth.

Volunteers are asked to spend a lot of time with the kids, and more are needed!   You can do that here:

All AngelDads must be able to pass a thorough background check, as the children’s safety is our top priority. You will also be required to always follow our code of conduct to ensure both parent/guardian and child feel safe at all times in your presence. You need to carry automobile insurance on your vehicle. All AngelDads should coordinate with the child’s parent first whenever you spend time with the child. The parent or guardian may request to be present during any visit, especially in the beginning of getting acquainted with their child.

By the way, all of the current Angel Dads said they didn’t want to be highlighted as a KXL Everyday Hero because they wanted the spotlight to be shined on the kids, not on them.

That’s a hero in my book!

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