Weyerhaeuser Settles Suit Over Water Violations
May 12, 2022 10:08AM PDT
LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) – Timber company Weyerhaeuser will pay $600,000 after reaching a settlement with Columbia Riverkeeper, despite denying allegations it had broken Washington state water quality laws.
The Daily News in Longview reports Riverkeeper in March sued Weyerhaeuser NR Company’s Longview mill.
Under the settlement reached this week the timber company will pay $600,000 to Seeding Justice for its Columbia River Restoration Fund.
Each violation after the agreement goes into effect will cost Weyerhaeuser $5,000.
Weyerhaeuser Public Affairs Manager Mary Catherine McAleer says they acknowledge the stormwater exceedances stemming from one or more of the facilities at the site, but says the company did not break the law.
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