By Cooper Banks

I must admit, much of the whole emotional support animal “thing” is rather beyond me.  I don’t see a need for them in my own life, but…that’s just me.  Just “having a pet” is all the emotional support I think I’ll ever need.

Now, it would appear, the U.S. Government doesn’t see much need for them either…at least on commercial jetliners.

Here’s a new report from the Wall Street Journal about new regulatory proposals from the U.S. Department of Transportation.  The agency is poised to make it easier for U.S. airlines to ban many emotional support animals.

According to the report, the number of complaints linked to these furry flying companions has increased almost three-fold in the last 5 years.

Of course, it raises the ongoing debate over the precise difference between emotional support animals and traditional “service animals”.

So, here’s a little info on that;