Now is your chance to officially share your opinion on the performance of Portland’s police. Throughout January, the Portland Police Bureau wants you to share your opinions on several directives.

There are seven areas you can help assess.

2nd Universal Review- 1/2/19 — 2/1/19
* Directive 215.00 Member Performance Evaluations
* Directive 310.00 Professional Conduct and Courtesy
* Directive 310.20 Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Prohibited
* Directive 310.50 Truthfulness
* Directive 315.00 Laws, Rules, and Orders
* Directive 315.30 Satisfactory Performance
* Directive 344.05 Bias-Based Policing/Profiling Prohibited

After the feedback period, a team uses the information to make any needed and/or approved changes.

Here’s the scoop from the Bureau.