Portland Police Catch Pampered Pig
Cars were swerving to avoid a little pet pig on Portland’s East Side. A traffic jam, at 138th and Division, an officer noticed what was causing it and called for backup to catch the culprit:
“I think it took quite a few of them to corral the sucker.”
Portland Police Lieutenant Nathan Sheppard says this pampered Portland pet showed its true stripes: turning its snout up at unwholesome bribes.
“There were Cheeze-its, there were Goldfish, I think Goldfish were a thing, there were a few snacks that the pig was not very interested in. So I guess processed food, not necessarily its thing.”
Eventually they took him out of harms way, now they’re looking for someone to come forward and claim him: they’ve given him a nice Hollywood style name.
“Clearly it is somebody’s pet and hopefully they’re able to identify, ah, Mr. Kevin Bacon there.”