Plea Goes Out For More Medical Supplies
By Cooper Banks
There is a dire warning from local health and emergency officials in Portland today and a plea for help with medical supplies.
Doctors and nurses are running critically low on a wide variety of protective equipment.
They need everything from latex-free gloves to procedural masks, N-95 respirators, face shields, splash shields, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes.
Multnomah County and Portland Fire & Rescue ask the public give whatever you can.
They say, in particular, people in the medical field who are no longer operating and those in the construction field can probably help.
According to a news release, the agencies state, “without this gear, hospitals and clinics may need to shut down and first responders will be limited in their abilities to help.”
You can take your donations to two different places in town;
Portland Fire & Rescue
Between the hours of 12:00 p.m. until 4 p.m. PDT, Monday – Friday
Fire Marshal Office Parking Lot
1300 SE Gideon St
Portland, OR 97202
Multnomah County Headquarters
(Loading dock on 6th St.)
501 SE Hawthorne
Portland OR 97214
Multnomah County Headquarters this weekend from 10am-2pm