It’s Mother’s Day, so we figure you should know we come from mighty stock.
Coop and I do what we do, care as we care, live as we live, and believe we can, because of our mothers. They are totally badass women. Read on to catch their flavor.


I’ve always called her Mama or Mommy, even now. My baby sister (whom I still call, “baby”) and I have never called her anything else. Our children call us, “mom”, they call our mama, “GG”.  The rest of the world, calls her “Mama G”…. I could probably stop right there, and you’d know what kind of person she is. She’s a care-taker, a leader, the kind of human who always shows up and has the perfect gift even if you arrive in surprise.

We’ve survived a lot of “hard” as a family and my mama still lifted us up to fly. She mothers the world, and us, with joy, intention, bravery, a stern voice, a lot of dancing and laughing. Oh, and music. She’d rise, throw open the drapes, and sing us awake; then turn on the record player. Oh, and fried chicken. The BEST fried chicken.

Service lights our path. My mama and aunties founded a non-profit to serve the Caribbean. Because that’s just what you do when folks are in trouble. This was in 1988, after Hurricane Gilbert decimated the island. Now Great Shape! Inc. serves 40,000 people every year with free access to health care and education. Yes YOU CAN volunteer!!! She’s still a full time hairdresser, bakes pies when you’re sad, and still leads humanitarian projects in Jamaica. Yes, she is that badass.

I love you, mama. 🙂
~ Luc

Luc’s girls & her mama



My mom has been so many things for me and my family.  She’s an amazing woman, who has balanced family life (helping raise me and my sister) with big-time success in her work life.

She’s recently retired, but over my lifetime, mom has helped run local governments, owned and operated a thriving business, and she helped provide a loving, stable home life for me and my little sister.

In large part, mom “brought home the bacon – AND fried it up in the pan” each day.

I would even describe mom as “The Matriarch” of our growing family tree.  She is a highly respected and admired figure in our family. She’s incredibly loving and caring. When I was coming up, she never pushed too hard, but she always expected us kids to at least try and be our best.

Quite frankly, if it had not been for my mother, I probably would not be where I am today.

I don’t know if it was all part of some plan (I wouldn’t put it past her, she’s brilliant), but I know she has been a real guiding force throughout my life – nudging me in the right direction and blocking me from taking the “wrong road”.

I wonder about it, but there has to be a word even greater than “love” to describe the way I feel about my mother.  I’ll stick with that for now, though.

I love you, mom 🙂
~ Coop

Coop ‘n his mom