Ok.  Sounds Like A “Coronavirus Winter Is Coming” Indeed…

By Cooper Banks

At first, I’ll admit it was alarming to hear the figures said aloud.

One U.S. infectious disease specialist, Dr. Michael Osterholm, a biodefense and infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota sat down on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast Tuesday, dropping some rather heavy Coronavirus stuff.

Asked plainly by Rogan, a very skilled interviewer in his own right if you weren’t yet aware, how seriously people need to be taking the threat from COVID-19, Dr. Osterholm calmly flipped over some papers and then said the following…

If you listen to “Portland’s Afternoon News” on the daily radio waves at 101.1 FM or KXL.com, on Apple Or Google Play, you heard us mention it on the show Tuesday.

Like I referred to a moment ago; the guy’s blatant scientific (almost emotionless) expression of such weighty info, so matter-of-fact in his delivery, made the information all the more compelling and credible.

And then this morning, I saw corroborating info released by researchers with the University of Nebraska.

I could not possibly deliver such information calmly unless I’d already been allowed to fully cope with it (in ways and in a manner of time I will not share here).  I’m almost certain that is the case with this University of Minnesota biodefence scientist.

He also deals with this stuff every day, of course.  So there’s that.

But Dr. Osterholm’s tone is such as to say, “yeah, this is really gonna suck for everyone for several months and some very unfortunate people aren’t gonna make it through”, all while holding a completely calm and collected countenance.

Of course, I can’t go without mentioning the recently announced crowd size restrictions and event bans in Washington State as well as the National Guard presence in place in a small area north of New York City.  The World Health Organization has also now officially designated the COVID-19 outbreak as a “global pandemic”, not a term they use lightly.

Also, Long-time Northwest News/Talk Radio host Lars Larson has been broadcasting from his home studio the last three days, intentionally as I understand it.  Yes, I’m quite certain it has to do with COVID-19.

The other national talk host in the building, “Ground Zero” host Clyde Lewis, has been talking about some of the “under the rock” aspects of this thing for years now.  Tuesday night, I heard Clyde say, “look, a lot of people are gonna feel pain from this thing”…

Actual physical “pain” may be a bit extreme to expect for most people, but for most people, dealing with serious cabin fever, abrupt lifestyle changes or quarantines, as well as the fear of contracting a potentially intense sickness is certainly daunting enough.  There is no doubt about that.


I think it’s safe to assume things might get pretty damn weird here before long in the U.S.  Quarantines are no small thing.  We would be well advised not to underestimate them.

Naturally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t address it, but given all this information, it seems as though we can all now accept the very real potential, that for more people than usual, grief and tragedy will quite suddenly become a part of our shared experience this year.

Suffice it to say, 2020 will probably be remembered as a pretty rough year by a lot more people than in most years.

Unfortunately, extreme lifestyle disruption will likely also become a major part of our lives.  It sounds like for at least the next few months, we may have to accept a sort of “new normal” in our day to day worlds.

The CDC said it weeks ago.  “Disruption to every day life may be severe.”

Of course, critics are saying, “it’s just the flu”…

Ok – sure, but – not exactly.

Sure, “it’s the flu”, but it’s also on top of the flu…and we don’t know anything about this new one yet.  Scientists don’t.

And we don’t have a vaccine…and we won’t have one for quite a long time, perhaps a year or more.

One must understand, that ratchets up risk to a near unacceptable level for the modern-day American elected representative, local, state, or federal.  We could expect them to react accordingly (I’ll refer back to Washington State’s event bans — just the beginning).

Now, the thing everyone will certainly feel and what could create many unforeseen and lasting problems among us – is a total “shut down” of people’s free movement throughout society and their lives as well as limited contact with their loved ones and communities.

It’s quite likely there will be quarantines, I think it’s safe to expect that.  Thankfully, we have the technology – social media, voice chat, etc. to keep us in touch with the ones we love.

It might be a good idea to read up on some of the stuff they did in China and, I would say, perhaps you can expect a “China Light” type of response here in the U.S.

There may be more National Guard movements around the country here and there, trying to contain certain groups and people.  Troops may also be tasked with guarding vital health care facilities (hospitals).

Long lines at grocery stores and product buying limits are, at the present stage, within the realm of imagination here in the U.S. as it relates to the impact of COVID-19.  How long that may last – is an uncertain thing.  I’m told at least a full month is possible.

As the demand for online streaming services rises and rises (with people quarantined in their homes or in other designated facilities) there could be internet service blackouts.

The good thing is that power or water interruptions should not be a problem.  It may be put to the test as well, but the power grid should stay on.  Water should continue running too (if enough essential workers are still working, of course)

It’s worth mentioning too, some of what we learned Tuesday from CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. John LaPook;

He points out that unlike influenza, we don’t know if this virus will die when spring and summer arrive.  We know influenza does and we know how to kill influenza too.

Dr. LaPook enlightened us to the very simple fact we don’t yet know any of that about Coronavirus.

And we have no way to kill it.

And we have no way to treat it.

And we most likely won’t have either of those things for another year or so.

But the really great news so far, as I’ve read, is that kids seem to do pretty well with this disease.  As you heard Dr. Osterholm say, it might even be best to keep schools open through this thing.

So, there it is.

After hearing that guy say those numbers and deliver that information, along with all the rest of what I currently know, I’m convinced now.

A “Coronavirus Winter” is probably coming.

It would appear, more Americans are about to be tested in a way they (perhaps we) haven’t been tested in a pretty long while.  For most people, I expect it will be “2008 financial crisis’ish”, you might say, but probably a fair bit “ickier” feeling.

Good thing is – our U.S. public health scientists and researchers aren’t throwing up their hands at this thing.  No, they’re fighting it tooth and nail.  I trust they will do a good job for us…the best job they can.

And I’m genuinely glad to be properly informed.  I hope you are too.