Non Profit Bridges the Gap Between Housing and Adoption
There are thousands of children in the Northwest who need a place to call home. Bridge Meadows is a non profit that provides low cost housing for families who will take in foster children. It’s a multi-generational housing community, offering affordable apartments to seniors, foster youth, and their families. It’s a group setting so people who live there can support each other. There are even counselors on site to help with any issues the children, and their foster parents, might encounter. There are three of these communities in Oregon currently, and there are plans to build more units in East Portland and in Southwestern Washington.
Brian and Josie Parker have been fostering children for about two decades and have now adopted two little boys. They moved into the Bridge Meadows housing complex after rent increases at their home in Gresham forced them out. They say the move allowed them to create a “forever home” for their boys.