LISTEN: Making Oregon Even More Beautiful
Oregon is known for it’s trees, and there’s a chance for you to pick up some free trees to plant on your property.
Trees provide essential services. Planting trees in yards keeps us and our homes cool during the hottest months and helps collect storm water during the winter. They also clean the air, buffer noise, reduce crime and improve our mental and physical health. On top of all of this, they provide year-round beauty.
Urban Forestry, a part of the Portland Parks and Rec department is giving out 2000 trees, 16 varieties in all.
Here are the rules:
Trees must be planted within City of Portland corporate boundaries
Limit of two trees per household
Trees are for planting on private property in front, side, or back yards (trees may not be planted in containers or in the sidewalk as street trees)
Trees are not to be used for planting permit requirements
You need to register online or by calling Urban Forestry. You’ll also have to pick up your trees.