Lawyers Warn Voters About Disinformation Campaigns
With an 8PM deadline looming tonight for Oregon and Washington voters still holding ballots, a lawyer advises that, “You finish your mail ballot and you deliver it directly to a drop box. I would not put it in the mail at this point.
David Becker, the founder of the Center for Election Innovation and Research has worked on many cases about elections and civil rights. He’s worried about the level of disinformation he’s seeing in this election.
“Be very careful about your consumption of media. Trust official sources, particularly election officials. You’re going to see disinformation. It might be targeted at you, designed to make you angry, especially skeptical of videos or audio that seems to reinforce your pre-existing beliefs. Hit the pause button.”
Even after the election, he expects more disinformation campaigns. Especially from, “Our foreign adversaries in places like Russia, China and Iran.”