Just…Try Not To Freak Out About It
By Cooper Banks
Look, with this Novel Coronavirus situation – I just have to say something based on the interviews I’ve done and seen.
If you are reading this and you live in the U.S., have not traveled to China in the last three months, have not (knowingly) come in contact with anyone who recently traveled to China or (knowingly) come in contact with a person infected with Novel Coronavirus – it is highly unlikely you or anyone you know actually has COVID-19 (as it’s called now).
You probably just have a common cold or you may have the flu, which, of course, is no good all the same.
The Coronavirus story stays in the news because it has to. It’s a virus that epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists haven’t quite dealt with before. That’s all. So we have to keep an eye on it.
We will continue doing that and, guaranteed, you will know if and/or when the situation is actually “getting bad” here in the U.S.
Right now – it’s just not. Not in the U.S. Not on a large scale. Not right now.
It’s not.
KXL’s Rebecca Marshal did an awesome Coronavirus panel discussion earlier this month, making many similar points.
Check that out here:
It’s safe to say the U.S. healthcare and communicable disease prevention system is one of the best in the entire world. Our scientists know what they’re doing and they are attacking the problem with everything they have.
Now, in China it’s bad. It’s bad there. No doubt.
And sure, the whole thing will get sensationalized by U.S. news organizations…even us here at KXL a little, but that’s just how it goes when promoting content in the modern “A.D.D. media world”.
Otherwise, consider it a good reason to stay tuned here at KXL 🙂
We will continue getting you important updates on the Novel Coronavirus as things develop.
And again, if and/or when it gets bad in Oregon, Washington, or anywhere in the U.S. You will know.