How Protected Is My Health Info Through This Thing?

By Cooper Banks

Modern-day HIPPA laws were not written during a global pandemic, but they address the potential for one.  More to the point, these laws ensure the public is protected from your health info if necessary.

Can health information remain reasonably private or (at the very least) protected from government intrusion in the midst of a viral outbreak?

The short answer, for plenty of people, especially those infected by COVID-19, is — technically “not really”.

The government can basically access anything it wants as long as the info cab be deemed vitally important to protecting public health.

An email response I received from the Oregon COVID-19 Joint Information Center earlier in the week states, “HIPAA Rules specifically allow for health care providers and entities to report protected health information with public health authorities.”

“Further, it is also worth noting that all Oregon health care providers and entities are required to report certain diseases, including COVID-19, to local public health authorities.”

They provided some really helpful links too.  You can find out much more info by researching the CDC info here and the OHA info here.