Critic’s Choice Real TV Awards
In Brief: The 2nd Annual Real TV Awards Show is virtual like everything else. The good news is that it won’t take a whole evening to see who won what.
As most of you know, I am not a big TV watcher. During the last three months I’ve done some TV watching and binge-watched Game of Thrones which I think is the best TV ever. But that’s not this topic.
As a broadcast film critic I have been appointed to a committee to help promote several awards programs produced by the Broadcast Film Critic’s Association. Our first challenge was, since we’re all still social distancing or in complete lockdown, how to do the real TV awards in a virtual setting.
Mission accomplished. Not easily, but accomplished none-the-less.
Being a non-TV watcher, I don’t know a whole lot about television in general much less real TV. As a member of the committee promoting the awards program I felt it important to take a good look at what the nominees were doing and at some of the programs. It’s eye-opening stuff and I must admit I had a lot of fun.
Click here to see the Real TV Awards show.
Gary Wolcott has been reviewing movies on radio, television and newspaper since 1990. He believes — and this is an estimate only — that he’s seen something close to 10,000 movies in his lifetime. Gary is a lifelong fan of films and catches a couple of hundred movies a year. He believes movies ought to be seen on the big screen and not on the small screen in your living room or family room. While he loves movies, he also says reviewing film can be a real sacrifice and that he sees many movies so you don’t have to.
He is one of KXL 101.1 FM’s film critics and joined the news staff in 2014. Gary is also the film critic for Tri-Cities, Washington’s Tri-City Herald.