Clark County Sheriff’s Office Begins 30-Day Test Run Of Axon Cameras

Clark County, Wash. — Clark County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon has announced that it will be conducting a 30-day field test of Axon body-worn and vehicle-mounted cameras. County Manager Kathleen Otto, Sheriff John Horch, and the Clark County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild have all agreed to run the test, which began on April 2, 2023.

Three deputies and one sergeant have been selected to wear the Axon cameras during the field test. Two of the deputies will also test the vehicle-mounted camera system. Axon representatives were at the Sheriff’s Office West Precinct earlier this week, training staff on how to use the cameras. The deputies were shown how the camera systems functioned and were helped with fitting and installing the systems. Axon staff also worked with Information Technology (IT), Public Disclosure, Evidence personnel, and other stakeholders to familiarize them with the products.

The trial period will allow the Sheriff’s Office to test the required workflows that go along with the program. Deputies will familiarize themselves with the equipment, its operation, and the policies that govern their use. Support specialists assigned to the public disclosure unit will see how to manage, preserve, and redact videos. Evidence technicians will be able to see how video evidence is managed in the Axon evidence management software. The county IT staff will also have the opportunity to get familiar with the Axon system and how it will interface with other IT infrastructure.

Administrative Chief Michael McCabe, who oversees the Body Worn Camera (BWC) Program, has stated that work continues daily towards full implementation of the program. The goal is to begin fielding the equipment later this year, with deployment taking place over several phases.

With 146 sworn positions within the Sheriff’s Office, including deputies, detectives, sergeants, commanders, and executive positions, this project is set to be a significant undertaking for the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.