Alita: Battle Angel Movie Review
When you hear the phrase “visually stunning”, think of movies like this. James Cameron, the man behind the blockbusters Titanic and Avatar has another hit on his hands! It’s called Alita: Battle Angel. Set in the distant future, the story follows a cyborg, half human, half robot, named Alita. She was found in a scrapyard of Iron City by a cyber-doctor who takes her to his clinic. She wakes up without knowing who she is and doesn’t recognize the world around her. Alita must learn about her new environment and the tough streets, while the doctor tries to shield her from her mysterious past. You will find it difficult to determine what is real and what is computer animated, much like you did in Avatar. While the story has a bit of a drag factor in the middle, the motor-ball scenes will wake you right up! This is a must for 3D IMAX! Alita: Battle Angel easily gets four out of 5 popcorn emojis from me. Expect this to dominate the box office! Be sure to check out my other One Minute Movie Reviews for Miss Bala and Glass.